Sunday, May 18, 2014

First Communion Sunday -- "You are the living stones with Christ Jesus as the cornerstone."

This is our second "First Communion" weekend.  What a great joy to celebrate the Eucharist with our First Communicants and their families.  Indeed, this is the day the Lord has made, let us be glad and rejoice in it. The excitement of the liturgies is infectious as our Easter joy is experienced by one and all.

In the second Scripture reading from the First Letter of Peter, we have the beautiful expression that we are the "living stones" of the house where God dwells.  More that brick and mortar, God dwells within His people.  The spirit of the Risen Lord is within us.  This is the source of our Easter peace and joy.

In the Gospel, Jesus says:  "Do not let your hearts be troubled."  From a human perspective, even though every beating human heart knows fear and anxiety and confusion, Jesus invites to have faith in Him.  He is the source of our inner calm.  I love the expression:  "If you can't it through the storm, don't tell me that Jesus is the captain of your ship."  For those who trust in the Lord, all will be very, very well.

We are an Easter people and Alleluia is our song.

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