Sunday, February 23, 2014

Is the teaching of Jesus on nonviolence and universal love too idealistic?

Today's Gospel is the demanding high point of the Lord's Sermon on the Mount.  There are to be no exceptions to whom we are are to love.  Listen to the Jesus:  Love your enemies; offer no resistance to one who is evil; pray for those who persecute; go the extra mile; turn the other cheek; be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect.

How can this be?  We are sinners, are we not?  We are imperfect.  There are areas of life in which Jesus is not yet Lord.  Thanks  be to God, our God is patient.  Our God is forgiving.  Our God is love.

Paul tells us:  We are God's temple and God's spirit is within us.  The holiness and perfection lie deep within us from the moment of baptism.  May we surrender to the love of God that is within us.

Love of enemies is the greatest test of love.  Are we able to pray and reach out to people we don't like?  To live the Gospel of love throws us back to God.  We need to rely on grace.  As God's people, we are to love as Jesus loves us.

On Saturday, we celebrated the funeral liturgy, the Mass of Resurrection, for Megan Garbach.  We entrusted her to the fullness of God's eternal life.  Our prayerful support goes to her loving parents, Ray and Kathy, and to the entire Garbach family.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Olympic Gold, spiritually speaking

What inspires me as the pastor of St. Joseph's is to see so many single people and families who gather to celebrate the Eucharist Sunday after Sunday after Sunday.  For me, these parishioners deserve Olympic gold medals, spiritually speaking. Together, as a parish family, we give thanks to the Lord our God for the many blessings we have received.

Deacon Bill Coffey preached on how the light of Christ shines brightly in the dark places of light.  Because of the light of Christ, we are always and everywhere God's beloved.  Deacon Bill raised up our spiritual awareness in asking:  "Where did we see God today?"

Deacon Bill quoted those words of wisdom:  "We live life forward; we know life backwards."  It is with the grace of hindsight that we recognize the hand of God in our life experiences.

Responding to Bishop Matano's initiative, this weekend we had a second collection to help needy folks with with funds for heating assistance during this harsh winter.  As always, our parishioners responded with generosity in sharing what we have with those in need.  Channel 8 was with us this morning covering the story of how the parishes of the diocese were taking us a second collection for funds for heating assistance.